Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thomas Paine had it right

These are the times that try (wo)men's souls...I think I'm going to have a lot of difficulty and indigestion over the latest "new" version of our org chart.  The position I had that was deemed no longer necessary, hence my demotion to the one and only position offered to me, is now filled by someone with no experience.  And my current position has been reclassified to a lesser status (at least there's no loss of funds this time, that's the positive).  Can I swallow it, suck it up AGAIN?  I don't honestly know because this time it's really insulting. 

I don't know if it's just this agency or if it's Texas that accepts this kind of thing as "business as usual.  It's probably just the latest version of Texas backroom politics...the good ol' boy (girl) system at it's finest.  It will do no good to voice complaint.  That will only serve to draw that target on my back bigger and more well-defined.

It's not only the change in status, but the job itself is designed to make me fail or at least cause me great distress.  No other supervisory person had this kind of dramatic change.  I'm the only one now expected to travel from East to South to West.

but as Thomas Paine went on to say, 
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have
this consolation with us, that the harder the confli...ct, the more
glorious the triumph.